India wants to eliminate TB by 2025 but falters on several critical fronts — Science Chronicle
India wants to eliminate TB by 2025 but falters on several critical fronts — Science Chronicle Home Science Chronicle In 2015, India accounted for nearly 2.8 million (27%) of the 10.4 million new tuberculosis (TB) cases in the world, and 0.48 million (29%) of the 1.8 million TB deaths globally. Yet, India brings up the […]
Endoscopic discectomy: the emerging new gold standard surgical treatment of disc prolapse

Endoscopic discectomy: the emerging new gold standard surgical treatment of disc prolapse Home surgical treatment of disc prolapse A disc prolapse in the lower back causing nerve root compression can lead to severe pain radiating down the legs, sometimes associated with weakness of leg muscles and numbness. Although majority of the patients recover well with […]
ARE YOU WALKING AROUND WITH FRAGILE BONES? Home FRAGILE BONES ARE YOU AT HIGH RISK OF DEVELOPING A FRACTURE IN YOUR SPINE OR HIP? There is another silently progressing, common disease other than diabetes and hypertension that can cause potentially serious risk to your health in old age. Osteoporosis meaning “porous bones” indicates a condition where your […]
“Peak bone mass” : An important concept to be taught to all teenagers.!

“Peak bone mass” : An important concept to be taught to all teenagers.! Home Peak bone mass Peak bone mass is the maximum amount of bone mass attained by a person by the end of skeletal growth. It indicates a combination of both size of the bones as well as their density. So, why is […]
What to know when a lumbar disc surgery is advised

What to know when a lumbar disc surgery is advised Home disc surgery Lumbar disc prolapse causing significant symptoms of back and radiating leg pain is usually treated with medication and physiotherapy. Although more than 90% of them get relieved without surgery, those with persistent, severe symptoms or with nerve function deficits may need surgical […]
TIPS ON HOW TO AVOID COMMON CAUSES OF BACK PAIN Home CAUSES OF BACK PAIN Posted by DR PHANI KIRAN S on SEPTEMBER 21, 2019 via TIPS ON HOW TO AVOID COMMON CAUSES OF BACK PAIN… Share on social Dr Phani Kiran S Experience and Professionalism With years of experience in spine surgery, Dr Phani Kiran S, Senior Consultant Spine Surgeon will […]
Osteoporosis: Early detection is the key to prevent fractures.

Osteoporosis: Early detection is the key to prevent fractures. Home Osteoporosis “Osteo” means bone and “porosis” means porous. Osteoporotic bone has less bone mass per unit volume. Post-menopausal women are most commonly affected although men beyond 70 years of age are also affected less commonly. People with severe liver or kidney function impairment or those […]
Endoscopic disc surgery helps a techie escape a serious disability

Endoscopic disc surgery helps a techie escape a serious disability Home Endoscopic disc A 32 year old software professional was suffering with severe low back pain and radiating pain in both the legs. He was unable to stand straight and could not walk more than a few metres due to the pain. His MRI revealed […]
Warning Signs That Indicate A Serious Disease As A Cause For Back Pain?

Warning signs that indicate a serious disease as a cause for back pain? Home indicate a serious disease Do not ignore your back pain if you have one of these red flag signs! Back and neck pain is a very common symptom many of us experience occasionally. It is estimated that almost 70 to 80% […]